Chic sportswear jacket
CHF 15.00
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Condition: New with tag
Colour: Gray
Size: M
Number of views: 18
Added: vor 13 Tagen
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28 items in the seller‘s wardrobe
Last visit: vor 13 Tagen
Last update: vor 13 Tagen
Brand: Princesse Paradoxe
Size : 38
Colour : Grey
Condition : Brand new with label
Material: Jersey: 93% Cotton, 7% Nylon - Lace: 50% Nylon, 38% Cotton, 12% Polyester
Features: Jersey jacket with metal zip. Tightened at the bottom of the jacket. Two waist pockets and stand-up collar. Cut-out play between jersey and lace. Length of jacket at back is 67cm
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