Wool coat with faux fur
CHF 20.00
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Condition: New with tag
Colour: Gray, Dark pink
Size: L
Number of views: 21
Added: 13 days ago
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28 items in the seller‘s wardrobe
Last visit: 13 days ago
Last update: 13 days ago
Brand: Princesse Paradoxe
Size : 40
Colour : Pink and grey
Condition : Brand new
Material : Fabric
Fabric: 55% Wool, 20% Virgin wool, 25% Polyamide Faux fur: 100% Polyester - Lining: 100% Polyester
Features: Coat with cut-outs between faux fur and wool. The coat has pockets. It is fully lined. Three buttons close the coat at the front. The funnel neck is in faux fur.
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